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WE WILL heal

from covid-19 - through the arts

Together We Will Heal is a non-profit cultural arts project designed to capture the images and stories of some of the heroes and casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic. By memorializing the heroic acts of extraordinary men and women who have served all of us on the front lines in the ongoing battle against the virus and those among us who suffered great loss, Together We Will Heal intends to stimulate and elevate the narrative regarding the importance of kindness, compassion and perseverance.

Founded by Diane Canney, a former federal government worker and small business owner, Together We Will Heal is built upon the premise that the arts in general – and specifically this real and deeply personal artistic medium – unites people, bringing them closer to one another around a shared emotional experience. Like the events set in motion by the 9/11 attacks, yet in some ways profoundly more devastating, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to scar us. This reality, when confronted with the power of hope and are enveloped by the heroic, selfless acts of kindness and dedication of nurses, doctors, truck drivers, grocery store workers, teachers and others on the front line, through art, brings us together. This is the mission to which Together We Will Heal is committed.



By capturing the intimate images and stories of some of those most affected by the pandemic, Together We Will Heal brings the message of hope and the values of kindness, compassion and perseverance to millions of Americans and countless more around the world through an exhibit taken on-tour and a series of public art murals to be permanently positioned in communities.

For the portraits below, click on the images to enter our Preview Gallery and learn of the stories of these individuals.

Note:  Mobile Users, such as smartphones and tablets, need to tap twice on the portraits to enter the Gallery (the first tap reveals the title of the portrait and the second tap allows you to enter).


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